Friday, July 4, 2008

Fuck for clean lungs


I am so proud of Amy.

She mentioned in the blog awhile ago about who she has given up smoking – something I thought that she would never be able to do.

With the aid of patches and gum kindly given to us free by the City of New York (sadly they have stopped offering this deal – you had to be quick) she has gone from a packet a day habit to just the occasional “please blow it in my face – I miss it so much” request.

She described cigarettes as her best friend (which makes me her second best friend I guess).

Her preferred brand was ‘Native American Spirit’ which claimed to be non-addictive! How they managed to get that claim approved I will never know. If this is what it is like to see someone come off the non-addictive ones I had to see what it is like for someone to come off the addictive ones. Horrible.

Amy is now kissable all the time, her hair smells lovely all the time, her clothes smell nice all the time and I’m hoping – fingers crossed – that she will know live a little longer to cause mischief with me in the old people’s home.

Like many people, one of the things Amy was really worried giving up was putting on weight. So we came up with the ‘Fuck for clean lungs’ campaign (we’ve had enough of Operations).

I’m hoping it is pretty self explanatory as I won’t be drawing any explanatory pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I want pictures.