Saturday, June 27, 2009

So what now for Operation Night Brace?


Operation Night Brace will soon be officially over.

And with that this blog will end to.

We started it to share with our friends and families our journey to getting of rid of $180,000+ of student debt.

Living on little more than air for over a year made for some interesting stories!

But now things are returning to normal and we are just like everybody else with regular jobs and a 30 year mortgage (although the people who know us probably wouldn't ever associate us with the word 'normal').

We can't really see how saving up for a sofa can be quite as impressive as trying to pay of all of Amy's debt in a year. We will spare you the dullness. Ha ha ha.

It has been an absolute blast and over the next two weeks we are going to look back on the amazing adventure we've had since May 1st 2008 when it all officially began.

We managed to save $183,500.

We paid off $120,00 of the debt and put $63,500 down on a home!

We feel like we've won a gameshow and it makes everything we did worthwhile.

"But what about the rest of the debt???" I hear you cry.

We have a plan.

Everything we make above and beyond our regular salaries is going to go towards the rest of the debt.

At a regular steady SENSIBLE pace we should be student debt free within two years.

But the irony is we now have a mortgage - which is a far bigger debt than the student loans!!! It adds an strange symmetry to the story.

Now if only we could pay off the mortgage in a year.

Hmmmmmm Operation Home Free! Now there's an idea!!!

Only joking. We've had enough of 'Operations', 'Nights' and 'Braces' to last us a lifetime.

Enjoy your last few posts from us. Thanks for being part of it!

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