When you are trying hard not to spend money you end up with a lot of time on your hands - time that you would usually spend in bars, at concerts, shopping.
We are making the most of all this free time and have compiled a list of things we want to achieve alone and together by the end of 2008.
Here it is…
Finish a first draft of my book “The Obnoxious King” and recorded a chapter of it as a radio play
Cycled and swam as much as I can
Hit 200lbs
Written up 5 money making ideas into one page proposals
Made something
Written 20 minutes of stand-up material
Finish her latest video installation
Built 3 new sculptures
Come up with an idea for a documentary that can be made in 2009
Become a patch-free non-smoker
Started some sort of stress relieving exercise
Come up with a new video concept to work on after ‘The Dead’
Finished our book on street signs – it’s looking pretty dope at the moment
Planned a great (but cheap) trip to Costa Rica on the back of my work trip there
Written at least one kids book together – the hero is a little girl called Abby Normal and is based on Amy
Designed some t-shirts and our imaginary band logo.
Got ONB down to $60,000 – with Amy’s bonus and our tax back money this will drop to a rather tiny $30,000 at the start of next year
Found somewhere to live for our post ONB life
Looks like we have a busy 4 months ahead of us. Bring it on.