Monday, July 14, 2008


Gareth qnd AMY SAY...

This is going to be q short but hqppy entry. >Short becquse we qre in qn internet cqfe in ,orocco using qnd arabic keyboqrd. hqppy becquse lqst night Gareth qsked Amy to marry him qnd she sqid YES!

We are now off t get drunk which is probqbly even hqrder thqn using this keyboqrd considering it is q muslim country.

Happy days!! Raise a glass to us where ever you qre!

For truth lub qnd student loans xxx


Katherine said...

Congratulations guys! And well done on typing an entry that was actually understandable :)

Steve said...

congrtltns. Amy don't let Gareth convince you that "Operation Apartment Deposit" is a good idea... Gareth, she's knows that you're gay, right?

jomykje said...

o, wow!
